Sunday, October 17, 2010

This video is dedicated to my very good friend Jace. Love you Jace, thanks for being such a blessing in my life. You're a lovely soul. And you will be in my heart forever. ^_^

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The lovely bitter Fall

Every evening the shadows are growing longer from my garden, stretching farther out as the day comes to its setting end. Golden rays and black shadows creep across the ground, and I huddle my arms around me close in my red cardigan. The beginnings of fall are in the air, and the little frost fairies have been slowly beginning to visit by each night, bringing with them a crisp chill in the air. My fall flowers are blooming russet colors, and my roses are happily enjoying the cooler weather. But my heart feels heavy today... I think about him all the time. He doesn't feel the same as I... and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t know what he’s doing, and I can't help but feel alone, and confused. Why does he act the way he does? If that’s his way of showing affection just as friends, then he must do that to every girl? Perhaps I don’t belong in his world... but I wish that I did... I have fallen for him…
This fall is going to be lovely, but bitter sweet...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Ending to a Day...

The sky was turning golden and dark shadows spread out from the trees, and alone sat the empty bench along side the shore, no one sitting in it today... No one was watching the sunset on this setting day...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Alone Again

I will tell you about the spiritual things another time...
But for right now, I will tell you what I feel tonight.
What’s throbbing in my heart.
What’s dry on my tongue.
What’s burning in my eyes.

What I feel right now is the emptiness.
I’m trembling, pulling down at the skin upon my face.
Wanting to claw, drive the nails in.
But I can’t.
I’m at a loss, I am lost...
You’re not leaving, you’re not fading...
My inner most part of me is tearing.
I can’t speak.
I stare in a daze.
I’m breathing hard harsh breaths.

I want to pull this pain off of me;
Take it off me.
Take it away from me.
I’m terrified.
I can’t go back to that lonely place.
It was a nightmare there.
And I felt so low.
Please... I don’t want to go back.

I haven't lost you,
But I have.
With time, and with the good Lords help;
I will be able to see again.
But for tonight;
You were taken away from me.
I feel the emptiness growing still.
And I feel so alone again
And I feel so alone...