Monday, October 19, 2009

The other side of the world

So as of lately I have really been starting to get into the French culture. It is really beautiful, and I love the language. I found this song the other day and absolutely fell in love with it, and the music video! Its really quite enchanting. ^^ I hope you enjoy it.

L'autre Bout Du Monde

The other side of the world (translation of L'autre Bout Du Monde by Emily Loizeau)

It's said that the weather's always good
It's where the birds migrate to
They say that
About the other side of the world
I walk alone in the fog
It's decided, that's it, I leave
I'm off
To the other side of the world
The other side of the world (x2)
I arrive on the banks of a river
A voice calls me then is lost
It's your voice
On the other side of the world
Your voice, which tells me my precious
All this time, I was not dead
I lived
On the other side of the world
On the other side of the world (x2)
On the river it rains gold
In my arms I hold your body
You are there
On the other side of the world
I rejoin you when I fall asleep
But I want to see you again
Where is it
The other side of the world?
The other side of the world (x3)
I really found this music video enlightening. Its was strange for me to think about women from all over the world, that they might be dreaming about the other side of the world. I often dream about that too. Or in fact a new world. lol! but its still interesting to think about. Like what life is like for other women in differen't countries. I want to learn more about other cultures. I think for the longest time, I was limiting myself, only to Japanese, because that was the first culture I became interested in because of my introduction to anime. But as of lately, I have also been learning more about the Chiniese culture which is really intersting too, and now I am finding myself really interested in the French culture as well. I can't wait to see what new things I will discover and learn about as I reach to the outer sides of the world.

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