Monday, July 25, 2011

alksjdfoiwjeiofj lka!!!

So Im never getting my hair cut again, only my bangs. I went to get my hair cut on Saturday, and say to her, keep the length. Then I show her a picture of how I want it cut, and she ends up cutting off 5inches or more, and the hair cut she gives me looks nothing like the pictures I showed her. Yeah... I was majorly upset. Cried for the whole day, no joke. It took me a year to grow my hair out that long, and I was waiting to get it cut for that specific hair cut. I was depressed the other day, now Im very mad and bitter. Im stuck with this hair cut that I HATE. *sigh*

Me and my mom have been trying to find a good place to go camping, sadly barely any places have flushing toilets or showers. I mean I dont really mind roughing it out for a couple days with now showers as long as we have water, but my mom insists on haveing showers availible. Sooo... its not going well trying to find a Good camp site with showers, and that has pretty scenery and hiking and all that jazz. Im so ready to get out of Piedmont though. It will be nice to get away for a bit, from work and from this awful heat. I want to spend some time just in nature and have just peaceful quiet time with God.

I decided Im going to start story boarding for Cloud Keepers. Its going to be hard, but seriously, Cloud Keepers has just been sitting in my room for ever, Ive barely worked on the story at all. It needs a lot of work and brain storming. I need to develop all the characters info, personalitys, and all that jazz. So, Im going to try and work on that every day. Ive been reading and trying to do more research over how Miyazaki does story boarding too. Did you know, Nasica of the Valley of the Wind was actually the first moive Miyazaki wrote and screenplayed?? I didn't. D: also his first degree he got was in political science and economics. Weird right? what a different career he ended up choosing. :D I hope some day I can follow my dreams like he did. :)

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