Saturday, March 19, 2011

Marble Halls

Black and white, a girl walks down a marble hall, her heals echo through and down. Nothing else can be heard but the leaves falling from the trees outside. She starts to run, and reaches huge marble doors. She opens them, light shines through and the black and white disolves into radient color, her hair is sky blue and her gown pure white. She holds red roses and the petals flow and fall behind her every step. The Great Throne room is vast, and seated upon two gody chairs is Neyoko and the girl with blue hair as she makes her way across the red velvet carpet. Neyoko reaches for her hand and there they sit, the rulers of Cloud Kingdom...

Merina wakes up... and tears roll down her checks... Neyoko is dead... and this dream could never come true.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My own stupid little world.... buuuh

Man... some times I get so caught up in my own little world that I forget about the bigger picture. I am so selfish some times! :( *sigh* I should be thankful I have a job, and a roof over my head. I should be thankful to spend time with kids at the daycare, and get to be their teacher. *sigh* so I'm really sorry I complain a lot about work... I know I have been complaining a lot. I'm going to try and work on this. God will give me the strengh to be a good teacher at the daycare this week, even when things get hard or tiring. *sigh* and I'm sorry I complain about little things in my life that seem to be bad. But really I have nothing to complain about. God can help me with all of it. I should be more concerned with helping others and praying for others. Especially in Japan right now... man... I really need to pray for Japan. They are going through horrible horrible hard times right now... things I couldn't even imagine. So I need to stop complaining about my insignificant problems and start praising God for what I have, and start praying more for others.

Let us pray together for Japan!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heavy Rain

Rain, rain, it is raining on my head.
Drip, drop , ker-plop.
No one can see,
No one can hear,
In the rain,
My sad sad rolling tears.
They drip drop, down my cheeks,
and plop, plop, plop,
In a circling puddle, the ripples slop.
No need for an umbrella,
or a place to run to for some shelter.
I like the rain,
As it plop, plop, plops on my head.
For then I can surely and only then,
Hide my face of this plummeting lead...

So much I need to pray and think about... I've been feeling a huge weight upon me in church lately for the past couple of weeks. Today the weight felt so heavy I had to sit down a lot, or lower my head it felt so heavy. I feel such a disconection with God. Its making me feel so empty... :( My priorities have been ascew. I'm really going to try harder and get back on track with God. As pastor Gary said tonight. Jesus holds all the treasures and wisdom of knowledge. All we have to do is seek after him and he will give us the knowledge we need.