Sunday, February 6, 2011

Whats Really Important

My dear friends... What is most important in your life?

When I asked myself this question... I honestly couldn't say that it had been God in my life.... I'm ashamed to tell you what had been most important to me. I'll start with this. All that has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks, and heres the list.

Getting better at drawing(365days project), anime, cosplay, my weight, my hair, things I wanted to buy/try, wanting a b/f,... the list goes on... want to know what was near the very bottom... my quiet times, my time in prayer, my relationship with God, witnessing... those were only but rarely on my mind... horrible and sad isn't it? Its so easey to get so caught up in this busy busy world with things, stuff, advertisments, that are constantly pushed at us. All these things had become my idol, and Ive been spiritualy sick (luke warm).

My dear friends... we are in the End Times. And we are running out of time to witness and grow closer to God. Think of your non saved friends. Think of their faces right now. If they dont get saved they will go to hell, burn for eternity in fire, and be in anguish and pain, in complete separation from God. Do you want that to happen to your friends? You love them. I want my friends to get saved and to have a complete joy and freedom in their life. We have to think about this... everyday, the passion and desire to reach lost people should be burning in our hearts. All this other stuff that takes up our time and thoughts... its not even an inkling of importance when it comes to the salvation of lost people. When it comes to our relationship with God.

Now I have some things I want to challenge you all with, and let me know if you want to undertake this challenge with me. We can do it together.

The first one, its going to be hard, but its to read 5 chapters in the bible every day. (Im almost 20 now and I have not even read through the whole bible yet!)

The second one, Mattie, Meghan, I know we all have been struggling with losing weight and excersising... so my second challenge if you all want to do it with me is we absolutely have to cut back on certain foods and beverages if we want to keep the weight off. If we do this together and keep eachother accountable I know we can do this and it will be possible. ^^ Some foods and drinks I think that really have to cracked down on are: crakers of any kind such as(cheezits, pringles, ect.) next sweets and pastries, fast food, and lastly, soda. If we cut back on these or even get rid of them completly I think we will really be able to start loosing more weight and keeping it off. :) tell me what you think and we can all talk about it. ^^

Here's a song that I've been listening to a lot latley that has really helped me and moved in my heart. I really want to share it with you. ^_^

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